We get up close and personal with Fiona Rossiter, also known to us as Super Mom Blog. Her blog inspires so many of us on neofundi, so we just had to know more.

What made u start blogging?

I started out blogging to fulfil a need to add a different dimension to my life, as a wife and a mother. I have always been a very creative, focused and extremely determined person but having a family tends to divide this focus and your priorities. You find you have less time to devote to the things that you are passionate about – don’t get me wrong I am very passionate about my family but one thing I learnt early on as a parent, is that you need to make time for yourself. So my blog essentially is my platform to share what I love doing most and give insight to my life as a mother.


Tell us about your blog:
I started writing my blog in June 2010 but did not have the courage to publish it until the beginning of 2011, I guess my girls were getting older and I felt that I needed something just for me. Creating Super Mom Blog has taught me so much, both about myself and the fact that I have the capacity to do whatever I set my mind to! The main surprise for me was I actually enjoy writing, which was never my “thing” at school. I think the blog is still very much a work in progress – but probably always will be! The main purpose of the blog is to share my experience and insights as a mother. I do feel that if we share more of what we know and how we feel, we may be able to help someone in need. The other side of my blog is more creative and a platform for my photography but what I have found is that the two aspects are not mutually exclusive. I love cooking and fashion so these topics feature quite regularly as well.


You created an inspirational challenge on neofundi and many have taken you up on it? Tell us about the challenge you have set yourself.
The inspiration for this challenge came after watching a video of a talk by Matt Cutts, he pointed out that if you set yourself a challenge over a period of 30 days and make small sustainable changes, in your life, you are more likely to make the habit stick. So the challenge I set myself for February is to take one photograph a day and share it with my readers. I love photography but I struggle to find the time to take pictures during the week, so I am hoping by taking this challenge I will be able to use my time more wisely and spend more time doing what I love! My 30 Day Challenge


Tell us about your passion for photography:
I have always loved photography, it has always been a part of my life and I think one of my first gifts my husband gave me was a camera. It was one of the old-school point and shoot numbers but it was treasured none the less. What has amazed me is the almost obsession I have with capturing a moment; I get quite down if we go away and I leave my camera behind!
“Something rather interesting has occurred to me lately, I find that I am approaching each new situation, with the expectation of a new and interesting “photo opp”. I lie awake at night thinking about what new adventures I will happen upon and how I can turn them into an interesting new photo project.” – Something I wrote in a blog last year.
I have since those early days upgraded to a Nikon SLR and the next thing on my wish list is a wide angled zoom lens! What I have discovered is that, although the proper equipment is an essential part of successful photography, having a good eye for composition is paramount!

View some of Super Mom's photographs


You love travelling, where are u going next?
We will do some local travel over Easter, to Oshoek River Farm. As far as overseas travel the plan is to take the family to Portugal in September. We have been told that it is an amazing beach holiday and nowhere near as commercialised as Mauritius. Although having barely survived the heat over the past week, I certainly hope it will not be too hot!


Favourite place in the world:
Well this is a tricky one and it may sound corny but I would have to say Cape Town and I certainly still have so many places I still want to visit but I still love coming home to “The Mother City”! My main passion lies in Europe and the UK, mainly because we have friends and family there.


Favourite meal and dessert:

I love most food but a great fillet steak and chips (sinful but heavenly) with a good mushroom sauce, takes a lot of beating! I am not really a desert person but it would have to be chocolate brownies with vanilla ice-cream!


Do you embrace change?
I don’t mind change but I need to have certain constants in my life. In the same breath I detest routine so it is a bit of a double edged sword. As far as life changing experiences, I am always keen - I was the one to push to get married, have children, move house – so I guess I am ok with change!


Can you describe love?
Love is passionate, love is gentle and kind. Love is giving your all and not expecting anything in return. Love is giving of yourself when you least feel like it. Love is losing one’s self in the moment and making each moment count!


Sweet or savoury?
Most definitely savoury!


What characteristic do you love in people?
I love people who are honest, determined, reliable, speak their mind, have a sense of adventure and most importantly in life, a good sense of humour!


If you could be remembered for one thing what would it be?
I would love to say that I would like to just be remembered for being a good person and doing good but I think deep down I would love to be famous - a world renowned photojournalist perhaps!


Best in Cape Town for:
Sundowners: I would love to say my balcony but Camps Bay is definitely the place to be seen and what a spectacular view!
Dinner: I love Willoughby’s for sushi and Societi have just opened a restaurant in the southern suburbs, Societi Brasserie, which has great food and a lovely ambience.
Coffee: There are so many, I frequent the Woolworth Café’s, I love Seattle for a takeaway; otherwise Tasha’s in Constantia for something a bit more special.
Walks: Well Cape Town has so many amazing places to walk, living in Noordhoek we are quite spoilt, as we have the mountain and the beach. Otherwise Kirstenbosch Gardens is great.
Beach: Again we are fairly spoilt for choice; Long Beach in Noordhoek is beautiful but not great for swimming. Camps Bay and Clifton are the most popular beaches in Cape Town.


If you had one wish what would you wish for?
To have my mother with me to share my joys in life and meet my awesome family!


Would you go back in time or forward and where?
I would love to go back in time to before I lost my mom and spend quality time with her, tell her all the things I never got a chance to say!


If you could add a commandment, what would it be?
Thou shalt not worry so much about what people think about you.

View Super Mom's profile on neofundi


View Super Mom blog website

Views: 251

Comment by Beth Seagal on February 10, 2012 at 8:03

@ Super Mom- Just brilliant! Your posts really do inspire me. Thank you

Comment by alexandra avgitidis on February 10, 2012 at 11:26
Love your interview:)and especially your 11th commandment.
Comment by Inspired Living SA on February 10, 2012 at 15:00

@Beth thanks for all your encouraging comments! @Alex thanks I really enjoyed doing! :)

Comment by Candice James on February 10, 2012 at 15:02

Enjoyed your interview and your blogs.

Comment by Nomsa Kagiso on February 10, 2012 at 15:36

great fillet and chips is my all time favourite as well

Comment by Everything She Loves on February 10, 2012 at 17:24

You are an awesome blogger and sound like an even nicer person:)Thanks for sharing on nf.

Comment by Inspired Living SA on February 10, 2012 at 17:38

Thanks everyone for the very kind comments & compliments! *blush* Have an amazing weekend! :)

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