We take a glimpse into the life of super fashionista Melina Lambrakis. Sales and Marketing Director of the family run Europa Art Group, she is renowned for her taste in shoes.The brands in the fashion house include Preview, Europa Art Shoes and latest edition Dumond. 

Tell us what you love most about your work?
Viewing and selecting the most beautiful shoes, in the most beautiful showrooms of the world’s top designers.

Tell us about your love for flying?
I started flying helicopters at the age of 17. It was a very challenging and exciting time of my life. Flying helicopters and aeroplanes was my career up to the age of 24, then my love for shoes took over.

How do you balance your career with your family life?
I think it is very important to find the right balance between work and family time. I have great support from my hubby and family and I always try to make the most of my time with my boys.

Best in Joburg for:
Salads: Tasha’s
Burgers: (have not had one in ages)
Romantic Dinner: Pigalle Bedfordview
Freezo: They all taste the same to me.
Cup cakes: My son’s Spiderman cup cakes.

How do you keep in shape?
Don’t have much time for gym, so I have to watch what I eat.

Favourite magazine?

What is an Ideal Sunday for you?
Spending every second with my family!

Favourite clothing and shoe store:
Clothing: La Rinascente (Department store by the Duomo in Milan)
Shoes: Europa Art Shoes, Preview and Dumond!

Top 3 brands you love and why?
Valentino – Elegance
Roberto Cavalli – Bold Colours
Armani – Simplicity

Who do you think is the most stylish local celebrity?

Favourite movie:
Can’t say I have one

What is in your handbag that you can't do without?
Honestly? My cellphone……. and lip gloss!

Beauty tips that you want to share with us?
Drink a lot of water……………

Red lipstick or nude?

What inspires you?
My Kids

Your best and worst quality:
Best: I am honest
Worst: I am too honest and I don’t answer my phone.

If you could be any superhero who would you be and why?
Ben 10 (My sons would be so proud of me for saying that)
I think it is awesome that he can change into so many characters at the touch of a button.

Famous quote you love:
"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."
— Marilyn Monroe

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know:
I LOVE speed!!!!

Views: 1020

Comment by Shoelosophy on October 7, 2011 at 8:57
Great brands that impress season after season. Congrats!
Comment by Beth Seagal on October 7, 2011 at 8:59
Flying?..you must be the most stylish pilot in history:)
Comment by Nomsa Kagiso on October 7, 2011 at 9:44
Such a cool mom....flying, beauty and speed!!!
Comment by The Mask on October 7, 2011 at 10:54
I love speed too:)
Comment by melpo theodorou on October 7, 2011 at 12:29
Flying high, in high heels....if you had better taste in music, we could have made you a superhero...
Comment by Soula Eracleous on October 7, 2011 at 12:50
You my hero... I love Valentino!! and speed....
Comment by Angieleroux on October 18, 2011 at 10:41
Inspired! xx

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