How to Successfully Share Files Online - Tips And Benefits

Every organization, as well as individuals, needs files to share regularly with their teammates and collaborators to maintain proper communication. Sharing or sending large files can consume a lot of time and can often require complex software to perform. With the advancement of technology sharing files and collaborating with others is now hassle-free and takes minimum effort. An advanced file sharing platform can offer many benefits to ensure you a seamless experience in sharing files including images, videos, and heavy documents within minutes. 

Here are some of the benefits you can have using a file-sharing platform.

  • Cost-efficiency

Using a file-sharing platform can save you from expenses related to large hard discs, expensive software, and other related infrastructure. You don’t need to spend money on couriers to deliver documents at a long distance and instead focus on investing in other aspects that increase productivity and reduce administrative costs.

  • Uninterrupted collaboration

You can instantly collaborate with others by avoiding any delays by sharing files online. You can also perform this from anywhere in the world at any point in time. Online file sharing provides the advantage for you to be efficient without being physically present at the place.

  • Maintaining security

You can avoid any misplacement of files or documents that usually happens with manual file sharing by opting for an online file sharing platform. Make sure to look for a platform that provides encryption of your files during transit and focuses on scanning the documents for any plausible malware.

You might need a sharing link to successfully send the files to your desired contact. These simple steps can help you generate a link that will help you to share files without a hassle.

Step 1: Add Files

After selecting ‘Start’, choose the file you want to share and click the ‘Add files’ button to add the desired file or folder. Make sure your internet browser is compatible before you start sending the files.

Step2: Add name

To make it more identifiable you can even set a name for your file transfer. This name will be used for downloading purposes and is also applicable to ZIP folders containing every file when someone downloads all files at once.

Step 3: customize the link

These links have the advantage of renaming and customizing which can make the process even easier to manage.

Step 4: Add email address and password

Enter your email address to get a copy of the information related to the transfer. Also, make sure to secure your access by putting in a strong password but keep in mind to share it with your contacts to access the files.

Step 5: Confirm the transfer

After selecting the files, recipients, and putting your email id, make sure to validate the transfer that confirms the process.


Online file sharing is a gift of technology that is helpful to small and by organizations to deal with large files without worrying about the size and complexity of the process.

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