More and more people refuse to spend a long time on the road and go to work from home. But freelancers and professional staff, which is now the headquarters only occasionally, is difficult to organize the work on their own. How to succeed? How to maintain concentration and productivity? How to distinguish between work and personal life?

What the experts say
The times when the work of the house associated with the image lazy sleepy wearing pajamas, rapidly fading. Technological progress and the desire of employers to cut costs has led to the fact that outside of the office was much more staff than ever before. According to some estimates, between 2005 and 2012. the number of Americans working outside of office space increased by 80%. "It is clear and benefits for employees: flexible hours, independent work in their own space," - says Ned Hallowell, author of the book «Driven to Distraction at Work». Yes, with proper organization of work at home it gives you much better results. And in some proffesii much more effective to work from home. For example if you order custom thesis writing at affordable pricesMore and more people refuse to spend a long time on the road and go to work from home. But freelancers and professional staff, which is now the headquarters only occasionally, is difficult to organize the work on their own. How to succeed? How to maintain concentration and productivity? How to distinguish between work and personal life?

What the experts say
The times when the work of the house associated with the image lazy sleepy wearing pajamas, rapidly fading. Technological progress and the desire of employers to cut costs has led to the fact that outside of the office was much more staff than ever before. According to some estimates, between 2005 and 2012. the number of Americans working outside of office space increased by 80%. "It is clear and benefits for employees: flexible hours, independent work in their own space," - says Ned Hallowell, author of the book «Driven to Distraction at Work». Yes, with proper organization of work at home it gives you much better results. And in some proffesii much more effective to work from home. For example if you order custom thesis writing at affordable prices , you can not rely on what you will be writing the work in the office, there's no need. Last year, researchers from Stanford University verified that the productivity of employees working from home, 13% higher than the results would sit in the office colleagues. "People support the surveillance data, out of the house they really have time to do more," - said Steven Kramer, a psychologist and author of «The Progress Principle», and "of all the incentives work is the most important - is the feeling that your meaningful work successfully moving ". The following tips can help you effectively organize your workflow out of the house.

Set a regular schedule
"Without the control of even the most conscientious will be lazy" - says Hallowell. Schedule not only gives a clear structure of the working day, but also helps to keep staff motivation. Start Time, as if working in the office: get up too late, get dressed, and turning on the computer, try not to be distracted by the Internet lures. How long have you work from home or only recently started - spend a few weeks out to establish the optimum rhythm for himself. Then aim at the realistic expectations, outlining the "daily rate".
"Make a schedule and stick to it", - says Hallowell Kramer. Be sure to leave some time for relaxation, and if the project had to work overtime, then certainly compensate themselves this time.

Set clear boundaries
When a person is working from home, there is a risk of penetration work in privacy. "It is necessary to set clear boundaries, or is it that you are always at work" - warns Hallowell. That is why it is important to separate the two sides of your life. A good way - to select a permanent place to work. I would also like to friends and family understand: during working hours you can not be bothered, even though you are at home. "Even the doorbell I ignore if no wait - says Kramer. - This rule helps me keep focus on working hours and switch after working on household chores. "

Do not become hostage to their own schedules
"Set the schedule not only for work but also for those hours that you are going to give yourself and your family members - advises Cramer. - Designate the time schedule as well as working hours. " And in the midst of a flurry of activity is still time to stop. If interrupted in mid-sentence, it would be easier the next morning to continue with this place - the Board, suitable for everyone, but especially for those who work from home. "Ernest Hemingway strove to stay at polufraze - like Kramer - then it was easier to continue the next day, starting from this notch."

Take regular breaks
The temptation is strong to work until the last breath, especially when you're trying to prove that the house productivity has declined in comparison with the office. But vital "regular breaks to rest the brain," - says Hallowell. How often do they do? Researchers from the company operating in the social networks, tracked the habits of their most productive employees and found that the best of them work an average of 52 minutes, followed by 17 minutes of rest. Special requirements, how should allocate these pauses, no. "You can look out the window or page through the newspaper," - says Hallowell. Suitable any activity that allows the brain to recover quickly. "The brain - the same kind of muscle. He needed to rest, - says Kramer. - Take a walk, stretch, do the exercises. And back to work! "

Keep contact with colleagues
Continuous insulation reduces motivation and hence productivity. If your job does not require daily contact with people who have to take care of this kind of communication. Assign regular meetings over coffee, and so on. D. With colleagues, customers and partners. Become a member of professional organizations. Use social networking sites such as LinkedIn, you do not lose those who live far away. As for promotion significantly "to be in front of," often engage in conversation with colleagues and superiors. "Tell people what you do, - says Kramer. - It should be a free-form report on the work done by the amount per day. This is useful not only for a career, but also for the psychological state. "

Celebrate the victory
When a person is left alone with his work, it is difficult to maintain the motivation, the more so because of his many distractions - Facebook, a pile of dirty laundry, pantry unsorted. A good way to spur yourself - spend a moment on something to remember the achievements of this day, and not to torment yourself that remains to be done. "Later in the afternoon made praise himself for not being fixed on that did not have time", - says Kramer. You can also keep a log, mark it in the day's events, including to put down a tick. Daily reminding yourself about your achievements, you turn on the good, and the cycle can move forward.

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