Victoria Tatham, one of our favourite fundis, spent a little time with us unlocking her own and Cape Town secrets. 

Victoria is a blogger (Kiss,Blush and Tell) and works in advertising.


 Which part about being a blogger do you love?

Since I can remember, I have been the kind of girl that keeps a diary and has many-a-scrap book. I love collecting things and being sure to remember little ideas that stand out to me. Blogging is an easy way for me to keep note of all the things I love and bits and pieces that inspire me. It started off as something purely for my own interest and now that it’s turned into a bit more than that it’s even more exciting – knowing that people are being inspired by the beautiful things I write about is a thrill in itself!

Favourite cape town spots for:
Burger?- Royale – amazing vibe, the best burgers and milkshakes to-die-for – what more could you want?
Coffee?- Bread, Milk and Honey in Spin Street – love this gem for delicious cakes, coffee and deli lunches. Jason’s Bakery in Bree street is awesome too – bacon croissants are heaven!
Clothes?- Country Road for basics and second hand stalls. The one bonus of living in a small town is the second hand stalls are just about untouched.
Salon?- Petticoat Parlour and Mooi Beauty Salon
Dessert?- Woodlands Eatery is my absolute favourite restaurant that I visit far too often and their Chocolate Fondant is seriously out of this world!
Hanging out with friends?- The Power and Glory or a dinner party at home – I love entertaining

If you had to have dinner with anyone famous, who would it be and where would you
take them?

I would love to have dinner with Kate Middelton, cheesy I know, but I really do think she is lovely and could use a few tips on how to be more of a lady J I would probably take her to Bombay Bicycle Club on Kloof Street. I’m sure that is seriously inappropriate but she would probably end up loving it, it is one of my favourite places and it would give her a good feeling of what Cape Town is about.


If someone only has a weekend in cape town, what would you recommend for them to do?

That’s a tough one because there really is so much to do here. If they were anything like the person I am, I would definitely take them for a morning walk along the Atlantic sea board – nothing reminds me why I love Cape Town more than this. I would then advise they go for a brunch at my favourite breakfast spot, Olympia Cafe in Kalk Bay. Even though the Old Biscuit Mill Market can be crowded, it is definitely worth a visit if you are here for a limited stay – either very early on a Saturday or after 12. A hike up lions head is great on a beautiful evening – I would stay at the bottom though because I am pathetic when it comes to heights. I would advise that they finish their weekend off with a concert at Kirstenbosch or a delicious pizza at Bacini’s on Kloof – my Sunday routine.

What is in your handbag that you can't do without?

My Mac lipstick, Blackberry, I-Pad and little notepad.

What inspires you?

Travelling, music, beautiful blogs and international magazines.

Famous quote you love?

Not much of a quote kind of girl to be honest but I can often be heard saying “everything happens for a reason” and this is usually when I am trying to reassure myself that it is OK that I have just blown my salary on some strange item for my home!

Tell us something about yourself

I absolutely love singing and if I had a second life (and a better voice) I would be Alanis Mourisette.


If you would like to see Victoria's member profile click here.

You can also view Victoria's blog on neofundi here

Views: 434

Comment by Candice James on July 8, 2011 at 16:39
love your blogs!

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