M: Yes, the Capetonian wind can drive you crazy. Especially at night! But shoo, I dig it too... So by the sight of the rough sea and a proper sandstorm in Camps Bay last weekend, I stopped my car to enjoy the feel of a natural sand scrub. B's hat flew away and he had to run for his life to catch it, but it was energising like nothing else. Today I made a decision: every day I will go for a short beach walk. No matter what the weather is like. Simply because its illuminating effect on the mind is so powerful. *Camps Bay, Cape Town


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Views: 131

Comment by Strato Copteros on July 29, 2011 at 18:36
Fantastic! Fabulous pics too! Here in he Eastern Cape those beachwalks are priceless! - Endlessness stretching out almost as Gaia's present to those who come to see and be!
Comment by alexandra avgitidis on July 29, 2011 at 18:59
You take beautiful pictures
Comment by Mariska van den Brink on July 30, 2011 at 15:42
Thank you both Strato and Alexandra! For my photographic work, see: www.mrsk.co.za.
Comment by melpo theodorou on August 1, 2011 at 18:39
I love the way you see...

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