Spotlight - Marc Hirschowitz to blog on neofundi

We are so excited to introduce blogger Marc Hirschowitz on neofundi.
After reading his Masters Degree in Management Science in the UK, Marc managed several businesses in numerous countries before launching an events company – Conceptspark - in London 14 years ago. He has worked on four continents since. Based in South Africa, Marc throws fabulous parties for private and corporate clients, setting new standards in events each time.

What do you love to do:
I’m a passionate perfectionist party planner, a professional luncher, an events creator and an intrepid traveller.

Your blog is on food and travel, why?
My veracious appetite has fostered my love for food and of course, for eating. I adore and savour everything about food: the textures, temperatures, flavours, aromas, variety, colours and the infinite possibility of manipulating ingredients to create something new.

Travel fuels my desire to explore culinary trends and experience exotic tastes. Although my work involves food, I believe eating should be pure pleasure. As an aesthete, presentation should encompass the unexpected, it should tell a story and it should excite the eyes before it reaches the lips. This need not be complicated.

The excitement of exploring and immersing myself in a new and different far flung cultures, excites and drives me to seek out the next destination. Having visited over 60 countries, my desire to see more is unabated and limitless.

Watch this space for Marc’s blog on neofundi

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