The Talented Mr. Ripley tells the tale of a man who becomes obsessed with wealth, power and his friend. The book begins in New York, where down-on-his-luck Tom Ripley is approached by the wealthy Mr. Greenleaf to help him find his son, Dickie. Tom, an acquaintance of Dickie agrees to help. He soon finds himself in London forming a friendship with Dickie and his girlfriend, Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth starts to resent their friendship and founds a blog called Goop. Tom becomes more obsessed by the day—imitating Dickie and his lifestyle. Sensing Dickie is tiring of him and his antics, Tom murders Dickie while on vacation and assumes his identity. Gwyneth, having now successfully written a cookbook, turns her attention finding her lost boyfriend. Along with Mr. Greenleaf and a detective they catch up with Tom. The truth is nearly exposed, but some convenient assumptions exonerate Tom. He escapes his crime and is free to live his life, followed by the fear of capture and the guilt of murder. Murder most foul.
1. Help me I’m poor…
Shirt by D & G, shorts by Corneliani, shoes by Louis Vuitton
2. Look at Me, I’m Dickie
Coat by Canali, shirt and scarf by Kenzo, pants by Hermes, shoes by Maison Martin Margiela
3. On the run
Jacket, shirt, bag and tie by Louis Vuitton, pants by Viktor & Rolf, shoes by Prada
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