Emmanuel Castis, our latest fundi, has been a professional actor for 10 years. He started out in musical theatre Rocky in The Rocky Horror Show and the Prince in Cinders and Her Fella. This was followed by a number of stage roles in various plays including Macbeth. Musical shows over the years include Frankly Speaking, Bachelor Boy, Let the Good Times Roll, Doowah Boys and Grease. Emmanuel played the much loved character Steve in the popular daily drama Isidingo, Brent in One Way, Uri in Snitch and Chris in the very popular SABC 2 drama Erfsondes.

Not only the winner of Strictly Come Dancing, he is also a talented musician whose debut album South of Nowhere is a mix of adult contemporary and jazz.


1)If you could choose between acting and singing what would you like to be remembered for? 

 Being remembered for either of these would be awesome, but being remembered for a life well-lived - now that's something.


2)What is your best character trait? 

Depends on who you ask. I think it's my live and let live ability.


3)Who is your favourite musician and actor?

I love Johnny Depp and Meryl Streep. John Meyer is definitely on the top of my list. I also love 'The Script'


4)What is the one thing you have learned about yourself thus far?

  I'm very trusting


5)Do you prefer being on a movie set or on TV set? 

Movie set because it allows you to get into the depth of the character and perfect the scene. TV, particularly soapies don’t allow that. It's quick filming.


6)What was the most challenging part of being on Strictly Come Dancing?

  Dealing with the rattiness that comes with exhaustion and performing live in front of 4 million people in their living rooms.


7)Can you relate to your character on Erfsondes and how?

He is deep down a really good man, and no matter how much good he tries to do there are people out there who don't appreciate it, and bring out the worst in him.


8)What feeling do you get when you are singing?

  An absolute freedom of expression


9)In ten years from now you will be.......Emmanuel Castis?

 That's being facetious. Happy - I just want to be happy irrespective of where I am and what I'm doing


10)If I was to turn on your ipod right now, what five artists/songs would I see on your recently played list?

John Meyer, The Script, Adele, my latest single 'Stop Running' and Rodrigues.


11) You write all of your own music;  where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favourite part of the proccess? 

My life experiences mostly. My favourite part of the process, is seeing the song take shape from just a guitar demo, into a fully produced song.


12)Best place in jhb for:

Drinks with friends? Hmm.. Cocoon, Bu da Ta

Movies? Hyde Park

Theatre? I love the Johannesburg theatre or The State theatre.

An ideal Sunday? Lunch in the summer sun with friends and live music - jazz preferably


13)Favourite Dish For:

Breakfast? Eggs Benedict. My food likes and dislikes are mood driven. Eggs Benedict could become something else by tomorrow

Italian? Carbonara

14) So, what’s your favourite thing to do when you aren’t writing/singing/acting? 

Now you've put me to the test.  When I get a gap fly-fishing and scuba diving.




Click to view Emmanuel's profile on neofundi.

Emmanual's website.

Views: 579

Comment by gina shmukler on July 30, 2011 at 19:35
Cool interview Manu.
Comment by Adele Milana on December 2, 2011 at 11:23

Nice one Mano

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