Poem by Nicholas Katsapas - Sea Worthy

Two sailors out at sea,

Each ones ship its captain be
Slight winds blowing pleasingly
Although its pleasant, this soft breeze will take a while to cross the seas.

On stretched eye both men observe
That there is a huge gust about to surge

One man starts to raise his sail, fearless not that he may fail
The wind blows with glorious might,
Cross bars bent and sails tight,
Small chance there is that the ship will wreck,
Captain’s sure all hands on deck,
He looks ahead with great faith
That this wind shall take him to a better place.

The other man fear besieged is petrified of the seas.
He drops the sail and to his cabin fleas
Only to move again in that soft breeze

This story so often told of the fearful and the bold

The one man from emotions hides keeping all that pain inside
Looking oh so strong and resolute every feeling put on mute

Pity the man who it seems emotions brought him to his knees,
He cries from pain that these feelings bring because he refuses, to keep them deep within

I watched these two men as time went by and then I saw how these stories tied.

The winds of feeling can blow so strong, catch them not they will soon be gone

Then one finds on the seas that ship only moves in the breeze

Oh he paid such great price, for this man never finds paradise

Nicholas Katsapas

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