Some Helpful Tips to Choose the Right Wood Burning Stove

Using wood as a heating fuel has existed from ancient times. With the advent of modern wood heating appliances, wood burning stoves have emerged as a popular choice among many home owners. There are a variety of reasons why people choose wood burning stoves over other variants. It is perceived to be a low cost, alternative energy source which is quite economical.

Wood burning stoves add a certain aesthetic look and feel to your home. Design conscious urbanites and rural dweller, both prefer wood burning stoves as their preferred heating source.  They provide energy efficiency while being cheap at the same time. However, to reap the full benefits of a wood burning stove, a user has to first understand what factors to consider before choosing such a stove. Below are some of the factors that can help you in making the right choice.

  1. EPA approval: This is the first thing that should be checked before purchasing any product. The environmental protection agency has imposed a lot of clean air laws in most states of the U.S. Choosing a model which is EPA approved almost guarantees that it is a more environmentally friendly option. An EPA approved stove is more efficient, as they don’t require as much wood as older models/ They also produce less smoke and creosote, the latter being a highly flammable substance that causes chimney fires.
  2. Heating requirements:  Before buying a wood burning stove, the heating requirements of the room should be assessed wisely. The wood stove should be selected, keeping in mind the layout or the room and its overall size. Choosing a stove that is undersized won’t solve the purpose, because it will be inadequate to properly heat a bigger room. However, buying a stove that is too big for the room could result in hazardous and sometimes fatal situations. It may result in the room getting overheated and the excess formation of creosote, which is a safety hazard. A good heating appliance manufacturer will have a dedicated team of personnel, who can assess the requirements before installing the stove.
  3. A reputed Brand: Buying a wood burning stove from a reputed brand with years of experience will decrease the risk of being supplied with goods which are below par. If a company has a good reputation and is experienced in this particular field, it means that the company is carrying on business in a satisfactory manner for a long time. Going for the cheapest option may not always work out, so proper research is to be conducted before choosing a manufacturer.
  4. Good after sales service: A wood burning stove is a complex bit of hardware which requires specialised technical knowledge if something goes wrong. You should always ensure that you buy from a manufacturer which conducts well after sales services. A company with a good customer assistance team will be responsive to any problems being faced by the customer.
  5. Firebox orientation: Firebox orientation refers to the way logs are oriented inside the firebox of the wood burning stove. It has a huge impact on how much wood the stove burns and how much heat the stove can produce. When loading firewood, careful attention is to be given to how they are originally intended to be oriented.

When choosing a wood burning stove, the most important factors are thus space and budget. They should be selected according to the owner’s requirements. As it is not an expensive endeavour, but it’s important to pay a professional for installation to avoid further problems and complicacies.

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