Today I am so pleased share this interview with Bailey Schneider, well-known radio and tv personality! She is well known in Johannesburg, South Africa as a radio presenter on 94.7 Highveld Stereo. She also voices adverts for radio and television, corporate videos and animation and does work as a presenter and emcee. Bailey blogs over at Vanilla Blondewhere she shares snippets of her personal life and all the things that make her sparkle! Take it away Bailey...

What I...


I know that being happy is a choice - life happens to each and everyone of us. Good things; bad things and it's how we choose to deal with them that molds who we are and builds our strength and characters. There's a reason I'm called Little Miss Sunshine - it's because I choose what affects me and what doesn't. I know decent men really do exist and that if you love yourself enough and know you are worth the best, you'll receive the best. I know that if you really believe in yourself, you will achieve exactly what you want to. I know that everyone needs love, affection and kindness.


I love my friends, my family and boy have I been blessed with the most amazing people in my life. I love my English Bulldog puppy, Duke – his puppy breath is too gorgeous. I love photography and learning new techniques on my SLR. I love cooking and baking and having those delicious smells waft through my apartment. I love the smell of rain and freshly baked bread. I love eating cold litchis, nectarines or watermelon on the grass in the hot summer sun. I love Vanilla Tea. I love traveling to new places experiencing all the sights, cultures, architecture, food and music.



I love suspense thrillers and crime novels. My favourite authors are James Patterson, Nicci French, Michael Connelly, Lisa Gardner and even Mary Higgins Clark. I used to read a novel every single week and I need to get back into doing that. I also love reading blogs. I have a blog roll on my blog of the blogs I read daily and I'm always looking for new blogs to add to that list.


To find out what Bailey Wants, Wears and Needs click here

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