Art or Pornography?

 Is the Pirelli Calender Art or Porn? The photographs are truly beautiful. But is posing nude really empowering women or merely there to titillate men? My take on this issue is that it is art! 

To watch the video click Pirelli video (not safe for work)

For some more pics click here 

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    I dont see it as pornography at all. Sorry to be so open, but porn is the aspect of two genders that perform the routine of intimacey, whether it be passionate or sex or further… Seeing these images as porn i feel is a mis-interpretation, it is nudity and only nudity. It shows the essence, purity and sensual aspect of a women. Yes it may objectify the women but not lower her levels to that of a porn star. These “artistic” images are beautiful, sexy and absolutely superb. Pornography has none of that, it is not an art, not a skill, not a talent and not sensual, people do it for money and only money, whereas whatever nude model/ person it may be, whether celeb or not, and however the images are taken, it applies to the beauty of a women and what she has to offer, whether it be the stunning promotion of a calender or just an image taken in an experience. If it were the portion of objectifying the women, then men need to get a grip and start realising that there is more to women than sex, if men do see it as art, then well done, you have graduated into seeing the beauty of  a womens reproductive organs. Pornography = wham bam thank you mam for an audience, not so classy I might add. Nudity = acceptance and passion.


    No offence to anyone reading this. As you can probably see, I am not a huge fan of porn. But of nude art, bring it on. Between the two, which can be more appreciated?




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      Everything She Loves

      It's not porn any way or form. The naked body is tastefully and artistically portrayed. 

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        Marieke Buys
